Happy Birthday Bitfury!

Val Vavilov
3 min readFeb 18, 2017

When we started our adventure back in 2011, we were just a group of tech-savvy enthusiasts — we had a dream, and we were working in our R&D “garage” phase. On February 17th, 2012, the name “Bitfury” was officially born. So, on this day, we celebrate the birth of our dream.

Back then, few people had really heard of Bitcoin and Blockchain, very few saw the global potential of this breakthrough technology and our focus was based almost exclusively on processing and securing Public (Bitcoin) Blockchain transactions.

Now, just five lightning-fast years later, our dreams are coming to life, and we are the world’s leading full-service Blockchain company.

The Bitfury Group now develops and delivers both the software and the hardware solutions necessary for businesses, governments, organizations and individuals to transfer their work to this groundbreaking technological solution and securely move and timestamp an asset using Blockchain technology. We remain dedicated to securing the Blockchain from our data centers around the world, and we provide consulting and analytics to partner companies world-wide. We have also made major progress in advancing our global footprint. In addition to our office expansions in Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Washington DC, London and San Francisco, we recently announced a $30 million partnership with Credit China Fintech, and we have hired a new head of Asia to lead our efforts.

Fundamentally, what drives our work is our deep commitment to the belief that Blockchain technology can make the world a better, easier and less challenging place for millions of people, businesses, governments and institutions.

We are extremely proud of our leadership efforts to advance this mission and Blockchain technology overall.

The Blockchain Trust Accelerator (BTA) — an incubator for blockchain pilot projects for social good that demonstrate the Blockchain’s limitless potential — is growing quickly and we are proud to call New America and the National Democratic Institute our partners in this initiative. Just days ago, we announced that we moved into a second phase with the forward-looking leaders of the Republic of Georgia to provide more blockchain solutions for their constituents. This comes on top of our successful creation and launch of a secure and efficient Blockchain infrastructure solution for the country’s National Agency of Pubic Registry — a major milestone for our Blockchain land-titling pilot project.

We also recently announced the launch of the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) in Davos, Switzerland around the World Economic Forum’s Annual meeting. The GBBC is a global umbrella organization focused on bringing together the world’s leading businesses and business leaders to educate on the latest innovations in Blockchain technology and advocate for its goal adoption and advancement.

And we are gearing up for our Third Annual Blockchain Summit on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island — a unique gathering where we bring together some of the brightest and most optimistic global minds of our generation to develop tangible initiatives that will deliver far-reaching, impactful results.

These are exciting times for Bitfury and for anyone who cares about this breakthrough technology, and that excitement and enthusiasm drives us daily.

Two years ago, the Bitfury Group had about 70 team members. We are now up to nearly 250 dedicated and talented ninjas working 24–7 all over the world. These remarkable individuals represent some of the sharpest thinkers on the planet, and we are happy to celebrate this occasion with them and thank them for their leadership.

The best news is that we are just getting started! We have a lot of work to do, and the coming year is filled with much promise and limitless opportunity.

We want to thank all of our partners, our investors and supporters. You make the dreams come alive every day, and we are grateful for your trust and dedication.




Val Vavilov

Founder and CVO of the Bitfury Group, the leading full-service blockchain technology company.